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Q & A

Personal                                                                                   April 29, 2020

1. My favorite blog so far?
Where are you? It's a faith blog, you should check it out if you haven't already.

2. What inspired me to start blogging?
I enjoy writing and I wanted something to keep me busy during quarantine.

3. What's my favorite movie?

4. What's your favorite show?
Designated Survivor

5. How has quarantine been for you?
It's been interesting.  Not perfect but I am very blessed and have everything I need.

6. Are you missing school?
Yes, so much.  I miss the schedule and my friends a lot.

7. Are you happy that school is almost over?
I am ready for summer.  I feel like it's going to be a weird transition because we aren't actively going to school.

8. Do you think quarantine is actually going to end in May?
I think that things will start to open up more.  I don't know for sure that life will be completely normal, but hopefully most people will be back to work.  Either way we will all just make the most of it.

9. Where do you miss going to eat at the most?
Chick-fil-a, I been craving it for months lol.

10. Do you miss going to church and having a non-virtual service?
Of course! I really miss leading worship, and being with my friends in person.  But I am thankful that I can still attend church in the comfort of my living room and still keep everyone safe.

11. When did you become a Christian and why?
I grew up in a Christian home, and I gave my life to Jesus at a vacation bible school in elementary.  But I lost my faith during middle school, and I rededicated my life to God after 7th grade.  I rededicated my life to Jesus because I was a mess, I wasn't happy with myself, and the life I had made.  If you want a full testimony comment below, and I will do a post on that.

12. What's your favorite quote?
If the whole world was blind how pretty would you impress? -Boonaa Mohammed

13. What's your favorite bible verse?
 2 Corinthians 12:9 - But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient ...

14. My favorite subject?

15. If you were stranded on an island what 3 people other than your family would you bring?
 Lexi, Zoe, and Kayla it would be a blast lol.

16.What color is your toothbrush?lol

17. How old was I when we got Ollie(my dog)?
15 years old

18. Why'd you name your dog Ollie?
Because we like it better than Stuart.  He was a Stuart for 24 hours then we decided Oliver was better.

19. How long is your hair?
Currently it is just past my shoulders

20. If you had to dye your hair another color what would it be(neon colors only)?
I would dye is neon pink, honestly quarantine has me wanting to do a crazy temporary dye.

21. If you were a guy for a day, what would you do?
I would play a lot of video games, and go weight lifting.  Not that girls can't do these things but I feel like I would do them just because it would be different.

22. An old good movie?
Princess Bride is a good older movie.

23. First thing you notice about a persons physical appearance?
Their eyes and smile.

24.Ideal date?
Something simple, but not common. I don't really have something specific in mind.


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